woman in brown sleeveless dress and blue jeans walking along a path in a wood

Solvitur ambulando (It is solved by walking)

Original article: https://qz.com/quartzy/1627981/this-latin-phrase-will-change-the-way-you-manage-problems Sometimes you come across an article that totally resonates with where you are. And this one did it for me. Solvitur ambulando loosely translates from Latin as "it is solved by walking". (Many thanks to TheClikk for pointing me at this article in their latest newsletter, which....
a lake in summer with rushes in the foreground and trees beyond

Channelling the spirit of place

What is the spirit of the places you are drawn to? And what does that tell you about yourself? I know there are certain places I love to return to: particular towns with particular architecture, gardens with a special feel or a building that has an atmosphere all of its....
lots of tomatoes

The joy of growing!

I keep seeing this meme - the one about the sense of power of growing a tomato over money and status! To add to the impact, I have included a picture of the tomatoes I grew from seed this year. They're all grown up now and are starting to develop....
man sat at a desk looking at a screen pondering

Play to your preferences for solutions to homeworking stress

April 2021 is National Stress Awareness month in the UK. The Stress Management Society reports that "According to the Mental health Foundation 74% of UK adults have felt so stressed at some point over the last year they felt overwhelmed or unable to cope." Faced with statistics like this, doctoral researchers....