I keep seeing this meme – the one about the sense of power of growing a tomato over money and status!
To add to the impact, I have included a picture of the tomatoes I grew from seed this year. They’re all grown up now and are starting to develop their first fruit.
There is real joy in growing something from a tiny seed and I think this makes a great analogy for learning.
Learning to do something new is like taking a tiny seed and creating something extraordinary that didn’t exist before.
But, just like the seed, developing skills needs the input of nutrients. Nutrients in learning can be knowledge, coaching, watching others, getting feedback, or reflecting.
But plants need water too, and the water of learning is practice. Just as you need to keep watering a plant, you need to keep practicing a skill. Stop watering or practicing, and the shoot withers.
Remember to feed yourself with the right nutrients as you learn new skills and keep watering with practice, practice, practice!