What does your work space say about where you are?

Don’t stop reading!! This isn’t one of those (potentially) judgemental posts which goes on to tell you that the only way to success is to work on a spartan desk.

There is a lot out there about the “right” way to craft your working environment, but I don’t think it’s that simple.

My working space is a reflection of my priorities, as they stand at any given moment.

Sometimes it is chaotic because my priority is to be in a creative mental state and, for me, that doesn’t come if my surroundings are sterile.

Other times it is clear of clutter because that’s when I can put away the immediate and focus on the long-term.

That is how I work. But it might not be how YOU work.

Make sure your working space is conducive to where your head needs to be. The only “wrong” way is when there is a mismatch here.

So take a look around you. Is your environment supporting you to be as effective as you need to be right now?

If not, then either throw some stuff around or tidy up, depending on what you need!