Well currently for me, it’s pollen.

It’s a full-on physical reaction from eyes that itch and nasal passages that stream, to a tickle at the back of my throat I can never quite shift.

Things in life that ‘get up our nose’ can give us reactions that are just as physical too.

From shaking with anger to wanting to tear our hair out in frustration, those sensations can be just as uncomfortable as itchy hayfever eyes.

So what’s the antihistamine we can take for the things for which there is no tablet or spray?

Everyone will have their own strategies but some tried and tested ones are:

  • Counting to 10 (several times over if necessary!)
  • Engineering a complete break-state, ie. getting away from the situation and doesn’t something completely different until the feeling is diminished.
  • Taking a moment of mindfulness – meditation, music.
  • Deep breathing – in for a count of 4, hold for 5, out for 8 (great for relaxing)

What ‘antihistamine’ strategies do you use when things really get up your nose?